Empower our vets

How come we haven’t asked our vets to protect our kids? Why haven’t we hired our retired military as ‘security guards’? You better believe they wouldn’t run away like that pussy in Parkland. How about killing two birds with one stone: protect our schools and give our able-bodied military vets a job.

Gun control will never work; there is no controlling guns or any of the parts that go into making them. Simple pipe dream, nothing more. When you go into a to school, armed and ready to inflict harm on anybody and everybody that steps in your path, you’re guilty. There needs to be no jury of your peers (peers?!) or court of law to judge you; there is no DNA evidence required. Shoot to kill…done. An eye for an eye. We have to stop coddling this nation and start acting to defend ourselves.

Yes, I know many are thinking it will only be the beginning of a military state. We will be no better than Egypt, Panama, Venezuela or any of the other other gun-toting countries around the world. It doesn’t have to be that way, but something has to be done to protect the kids, to bring some sort of punishment to those who seek to hurt them. Who better than former military to bring this change about, to secure these lives.

Teachers should never be armed. Teachers are put in classrooms to teach our children, the future of our country. Give them one job and let them do it. For that matter, pay them more than they’re getting right now because they are trying to teach our future!

Vet the vets; they will step in to save lives…and nullify the situation immediately.

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